Via Chicago
— Errata Movie Podcast —

While I like the Economist as a way to keep up with world politics and business, I'm not usually a very big fan of their anonymous film criticism.

But I like the way their little review of Lost in Translation avoids pointlessly mentioning who Sofia Coppola's husband is and what movies he has made and instead focusses on some of her own previous work: she directed a "difficult to categorise" feature film debut, co-wrote her father's segment of New York Stories when she was a teen, and spent time in Tokyo as a clothing entrepreneur gathering inspiration and friends for Lost in Translation.

[UPDATE: Sorry, that was a bit of a backhanded compliment. What I meant, but didn't exactly say, was that I like how they put Coppola's movie into the context of her other work without referring to her celebrity spouse, as many lesser reviews have. Her work stands apart from his just fine. Today, a Google search for both her movie and her spouse turns up a staggering 29000 hits, compared to 36000 with her own name.]

(An aside: a friend recently laughed, in his blog, at the cover of the Economist showing a cactus giving the finger to the WTO. I wonder what he thinks of the moose in sunglasses on the current issue?)

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