Via Chicago
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The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation has released the results of a new study, based on a national survey, that seems to show media becoming a major part of our lives very early, before the age of 2.

While the study doesn't have answers about what too much TV at a young age does to people, it does have some startling statistics: children six years and under spend an average of 2 hours a day with "screen media" (TV, video, computers, video games), compared to 39 minutes reading or being read to; one in four children under two has a TV in his or her bedroom; and kids with a TV in their rooms or living in households with "heavy" TV viewing read less than kids who don't, although it may not be a causal relationship.

The link above goes directly to the Kaiser Foundation, and today's New York Times has an article about it, focusing on the rise of videos for kids, videos with smart names like "Baby Einstein," "Brainy Baby," and "Baby Genius."

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