Via Chicago
— Errata Movie Podcast —

Some of the movies that played in theaters in the US this year that have vengeance as a major theme:

The Son (potential always lurking), Divine Intervention, Bus 174, Dogville, Stevie, Mystic River, Dog Days (the woman blamed for the vandalism), Intolerable Cruelty, Kill Bill: Vol. 1, and Runaway Jury.

And perhaps also

Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, City of God, Bad Boys II, The Matrix Reloaded, Pirates of the Caribbean, and Anything Else (figures prominently in the movie's funniest scene, about a car and a crowbar)

where vengeance drives some of the action.

This list is far from complete.

A movie about vengeance isn't inherently bad — The Son, for example, remains one of my favorites of the year — but look at how important the topic seems to be. A similar list could be constructed out of speeches by national politicians, where vengeance is surrounded by its relatives, justice and security.

Posted by davis | Link