Via Chicago
— Errata Movie Podcast —

I'd like to thank a few kind web writers out there who have added links to Errata:

  • The ubiquitous GreenCine Daily has links to more movie articles on any given day than you can possibly read, and most of them are really good. I'm not sure how they keep up with everything, but I'm glad they do.
  • A Better Tomorrow is a blog from Taiwan. I suggest you start your weekend right by choosing a couple of Wayne's ten essential Chinese movies and heading to the video store.

Thanks for the links, guys.

Posted by davis | Link
Reader Comments
May 18, 2004, 02:42 PM

I was waiting for your South Park-ism punchline: "Who wants to touch me. I said, who wants to f***ing touch me!" :) Kudos, Rob!

May 18, 2004, 08:57 PM

Thanks, man. It's funny, I just watched Tsai Ming-liang's What Time is it There? on the Wellspring DVD and noticed that in the special features they had a link to the Tsai page on your site. Now that's a hell of a link. :-)

May 19, 2004, 10:29 AM

Yeah well, except I haven't figured out how to turn my 15 picoseconds of cachet with Wellspring into something useful, like their sending me a free DVD. Bah humbug! >:(