Via Chicago
— Errata Movie Podcast —

A brief program note. Maybe it is my wont to "suddenly and volcanically" burst forth from time to time, but it's not my want. It's just poor planning.

However, I'm going to post at a more even pace from now on, if I can help it. And clean up my desk. And fix that leak over the garage. I mean it. No, seriously.

I just returned from New York where I saw Chris Marker's latest video installation. More on that later today.

Posted by davis | Link
Reader Comments
June 2, 2005, 05:34 AM

Hey, you should have said something about going to New York! I've been making quick trips here and there in preparation for the Human Rights Watch International Film Festival that's starting on June 9. I haven't caught the Marker exhibit yet, I'm reserving the 11th for that. Did you get a chance to see the Hollis Frampton side installation as well?

June 2, 2005, 11:57 PM

Oh rats, I'd have looked you up if I knew you were there. Are you involved with the festival somehow?

And another rats for missing the Frampton exhibit. I probably walked right past it. I could have missed the Marker exhibit, too, if I weren't on the lookout for it.

June 3, 2005, 06:43 AM

Actually I was kinda helping out at HRW as an unofficial gopher during the press screenings since a friend of mine is one of the organizers and I'll pretty much work for free film screenings. :) Great post on Marker, by the way. I'm off to yonder thread...